2012. március 23., péntek

SharePoint Access Denied error Feature aktiválásakor

SharePoint-os solution installkor hibajelenség:

Site szintű feature felületről való aktiválásakor Access Denied error-t kaptunk.


PowerShell-ből aktiváljuk a featuret, ne felületről.
Enable-SPFeature -Identity "FeatureName" -Url "http://abc:24131"

És itt a magyarázat:

"One thing to remember when you are using site-scoped or site collection–scoped Features to install the timer jobs: The account that does the scheduling must have write permissions to the configuration database of the server farm. Usually, the identity of the application pool that is hosting the SharePoint site does not have permissions on the configuration database. This is the account that is used when you activate the Feature through the browser interface. However, if you activate the Feature by using STSADM, the identity of the interactive user is used. This enables someone with greater user rights to install the timer job."

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